Advancing in DaVinci Resolve with Sergi Sanchez

27Apr(Apr 27)10:0028(Apr 28)18:00Advancing in DaVinci Resolve with Sergi Sanchez10:00 - 18:00 (28)(GMT+00:00) Lahnstraße 25VeranstaltungWorkshop


In this workshop we will explore different grading tools to make our footage shine. From DSLR to RED or Alexa, we cover how to take the best out of the cameras and codecs we are using. We will also cover the use of LUTs and how can we integrate them in our creative process. This is beginners-friendly, but you should already know how to use the basic tools inside Resolve, how to import and export a project and how to properly read the waveform, and from here we will advance into different looks and color schemes that we can apply to our scenes.

Bring your laptop with Resolve installed. Minimum requirement to run Resolve is a 512MB Graphic Card (1GB recommended). Bringing your own footage is also welcomed and we can cover it during the workshop.


27/04/2019 10:00 - 28/04/2019 18:00(GMT+00:00)

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