Final Cut Pro X advanced

24Feb(Feb 24)10:0025Mär(Mär 25)18:00Final Cut Pro X advanced(Februar 24) 10:00 - (März 25) 18:00(GMT+00:00) Lahnstraße 25VeranstaltungWorkshop


In the Workshop participants will learn advanced knowledge in digital video technic and the works of Final Cut Pro X. Prior knowledge is required. The workshop will be held in english.

PaulDavidMurray FinalCutProX-Workshop groß.jpg

What you will learn: 

Nuts and bolts of Media inside and outside the Media Library.
How FCPX deals with Meta Data including iXML.
Managing large projects with “Proxy” and “Pro Res” formats.
Advanced features in the inspector.

Preparing audio with the helps of Roles for the final mix.

Navigating „Final Cut Pro X“ like a Pro.
Customisation of Short cuts.

Types of edit, including back-timing, speed changes, “J” and  “L” edits.
“Timeline index,” clips, markers, roles and search functions!

Color correction, including the “color board,” 3 way colour correction
Copy and Paste of attributes and effects.

Mixing audio for TV standards with a dedicated “Loudness Plugin” inside FCPX.

Exporting for TV including assigning roles for audio different channels.

All you need to know about  Subtitles.

Pimp “FCPX” with “Command Post”

Round Tripping „Motion.“
Round Tripping „Da Vinci Resolve.“
Sending audio to „Pro Tools“ and „Logic!“

Media Management with “Library Manager” and “Works4X.”
Getting projects into excel with “Producers Friend!”

You should bring your own laptop and have Final Cut Pro X already installed on it. A test version is available here:

The demo version works for a month and you should spend some time using it before coming to the Advanced Work Shop.

The laptop should meet these system specification:

Please bring an external drive with 100GB free space on it.

Also please download the material (1080p HD Quality ) found here to the external drive that you bring



Paul David Murray developed his passion for film at the age of 14 in Dublin and learned his craft at a film school in editing 16mm at the table. He´s now teaching and working with FCP for 15 years in Berlin and is the leader of the FCP User Group.


24/02/2018 10:00 - 25/03/2018 18:00(GMT+00:00)

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