So, you’ve made a few short films and want to try your hand at something a bit longer. If you had any sense at all, you would find something else to do! Unfortunately, a compulsion you don’t fully understand is driving you to turn that feature length script you and a friend wrote into a film. But how? Making a movie is SO EXPENSIVE!
In this 2-Hour event, Harvey Rabbit will share his experience financing, directing and producing “Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe” a 75 minute narritive film that recently premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam, as well as offering a resource list for costumes, make up, props and locations. He’ll also talk how to find an audience once a film is completed and screen the trailer of his film.
Please join us in the Foyer at Filmarche at 19:00 on Wednesday, 1.03. for this informal chat about the horrors of crowdfunding, how to cut corners (and when not to!), and in the end, finding a distributor that is right for your film!